a California Nonprofit Organization
Lodi Adopt A Child’s mission is to assist underprivileged youth in the community with the resources and support needed to enjoy everyday life and to provide and promote opportunities from which each child may benefit.
(209) 333-1056
Newsletter - March 2024
Assisting underprivileged youth in the community with the resources and support needed to enjoy everyday life and to provide and promote opportunities from which each child may benefit.
Survey of Children's Needs
What else should we support for your children?
Our mission is to assist underprivileged youth in the community with the resources and support needed to enjoy everyday life. We're well known for our annual Christmas Wish Program, but we also provide scholarships that allow children to participate in activities, such as sports and the arts, that they might otherwise not be able to do. While the Christmas Wish Program is limited to children 13 years old and younger, some programs include children up to the age of 17.
We would like your input about what type of support is most important to you and your children. We cannot promise that we will be able to support all of the activities suggested in this survey. We will, however, consider your input in determining what we prioritize for future programs.
Note: This survey is intended only for the parents and guardians of eligible,
low-income families such as those eligible for our Christmas Wish Program.
Music Scholarships*
Sayla Music Academy
LAAC is sponsoring music lessons through Sayla Music Academy in Lodi. Scholarships include music lessons and instrument rental. We’ve extended the program for children up to 17 years old.
Students must:
Live in Lodi
Be 17 years old or younger
From families below the low-income level
Contact Sayla Music Academy at 209-981-4303 or info@saylamusicacademy.com for more information.
* Music scholarships are subject to income verification.
Academic Scholarships
2024 Claude Brown Memorial Scholarship
LAAC offers annual scholarships for Tokay and Lodi High School seniors who plan to study for a career in agriculture or engineering. Scholarships of $500 are available each year for students entering college or a trade school majoring in either agriculture or engineering.
Information and Applications are available online: <click here to apply>
There are no minimum/maximum family income restrictions
2023 Christmas Wish Program
Gifts provided for over 800 children
Our annual Christmas Wish Program delivered gifts for 830 children from 378 families, including 362 bicycles!
Thank you to all of our sponsoring patrons and companies, large and small. And, to all the volunteers that helped us buy, sort, assemble, box, wrap, organize and distribute all those gifts. It takes a village. We could not possibly have done it without all of your help.

Temporary Warehouse Space Needed
Each year, LAAC assembles, stages and distributes hundreds of bicycles for our Christmas Wish Program. The donated space we used the past few years is no longer available, so we need a new location to assemble and store these bicycles. We only need this space for a few weeks as we prepare for our Christmas party in December.
Needed mid-November to mid-December (approximately 3 weeks)
Must be secure
Minimum 2000 sq ft
Evening and weekend access required
In Lodi or close by
If you have a space, or know someone who does, please contact us at 209-333-1056 or lodiadoptachild@gmail.com.